Submit Article

Guidelines for Article Preparation for Submission

The article must be submitted to the editors in English language, in electronic form, line spacing 1.5. The number of pages is unlimited, including tables, indicating the corresponding numbering (a, b, c, d…) of images. The article should start with an abstract that consists of: Abstract: Goal. Method. Result. Conclusion. Key words-3-6 words. Font should be Times New Roman, font size 12 pt. Page Margins: Top, bottom, left and right margins must be set to 2.5 cm. Do not add paragraph spacing. All papers should be submitted to email address: The article should use the international system of units (CИ), also those units that are equalto CИ system. Mathematical and chemical formulas should be clearly marked so that the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters, quality coefficient and multiplier can be easily seen. In the text and formula of the article, all designations represented by a letter must be deciphered. Different concepts cannot be denoted by the same symbol. The literary source should be given at the end of the article as follows: for a book – indicating the author, name, name of publication, place of publication, year of publication and number of pages (numbers); for a journal – indicating the author of the article, name of the article and journal, year of publication, volume, number, first and last pages of the article. Surnames, book and magazine titles should be in the original language without abbreviations. When using a copyright certificate, it is necessary to refer to the bulletin (where the formula of the invention is published) of the invention, indicating the number and year of publication. Drawings should be schematic, not overloaded with details and inscriptions. The position should be marked with figures and decoded with inscriptions below the drawing. The article must be signed by one or all authors on a separate sheet or on the last page. It is necessary to indicate personal data about each author in the title:  surname, given name, place of work (indicating the full and abbreviated name of the institution), address (place of work), postal code, E-mail of one of the authors.


The presented article should be printed on white paper of A4 format with 3 intervals, font 11, Upper and lower areas – 20-20 mm, side areas – 30-30 mm. The volume of the article is not limited (defined by the author/s).

The article must be presented in two copies in English under the name of the editor-in-chief. The article must also be accompanied by:

  • References to the author (authors), denoting his contribution to the work in question;
  • Address to the editorial office with a request for publication from the institution where the Labor was performed.

The article is reviewed by the editorial board, the review process is carried out by recognized experts in the field and direction and a decision is made on the issue of its publication and non-publication.

The article should be signed as follows:

  • Branch of science;
  • Article title;
  • Full name and surname of the author (authors) ;
  • Workplace;
  • Resume;
  • Keywords;
  • Text;
  • List of funding sources and thanks at the end of the text;

After the English text resume in Georgian (signed in the same order as the English resume), volume up to one page;

The list of verified literature should be sorted by the sequence of quotations in the text (literature in the text should be marked with numbers in square brackets);

Drawings and tables should be given on separate pages. Photos-in original form;

Images must be accompanied by inscriptions;

The last page of the article must have the signatures of all authors (with certainty).

  • Electronic version: CD-ROM, font Times New Roman or Sylfaen. Text: Word, Word Perfect, RTF. Formulas must be executed using the MathType 6.0 equation program. Tables and drawings must be presented as a separate file, drawings must be performed in TIFF, EPS, JPEG (not less than 300 dpi), tables: Word, Word Perfect, RTF.
  • The author must consent to the publication of the article in typographic or electronic form; the corrected version of the received article, or the rejected work, shall not be returned to the author. The editorial board does not consider a paper that will not be signed according to the requirements. The author can use any issue of the journal as a sample.
  • In literature, the transliteration of the Russian text is given in letters according to the library of Congress system.
  • Electronic backups and access to the contents of the log will be possible via CLOCKSS or PubMedCentral if the active status of the log is suspended.


The cost of publishing an article is 50 Euros. Two issues are published per year. Annual subscription fee is 200 Euros, including sending to the address. Article download is 20 Euros. Viewing the abstract is free.